10 years ago, BRLO was founded in the name of openness. Our strong belief is that different makes better, and that goes both for beer and society. So even though we look back at a decade of brewing with pride and joy, we also look ahead with concern.
The latest poll by YouGov on February 12th, 2025 placed AfD at dangerously high 21%. So we decided to use our anniversary to take a stand for an open Germany, the only way we know how—by selling beer. But this time, we’re doing it differently…
How we put a price on democracy? Let us explain.
For every percentage point AfD goes down from 21%, our beer prices1 will go down 20%.
For example:
If AfD loses 2pp = 40% off.
If they drop 4pp = 80% off.
If we together get them even lower? Well, since the new pricing will last from 25/2-3/3 2025, both at BRLO BRWHOUSE, BRLO CHARLOTTENBURG and even on BRLO.shop2, our accountant made us promise to stop at 80%. But we also promise you—if they drop even more, we’ll find a way to celebrate like never before.
So join us, as we vote for a Germany that is more open. A place where diversity is welcome.
A future with less hate, more hops. (and more beer on sale)